Concrete Poetry

[indivisible to individual]
Adobe Illustrator, 2020
[In An Anagram, In A Semicircle]
Adobe Illustrator 2020


D.D.D. story

Taking the lyrics to Lady Gaga’s debut single Just Dance as a source text I enacted an erasure with the intention to modernise the tone by adding a sense of doubt with the question and a reference to social media in the title. This poem varies from my previous erasure as I didn’t want any original words to survive the process. A comma replaces an apostrophe as none could be found within the section of text allotted. The sections of dental alliteration would be performed to the tune of the original song as much as possible to strengthen the importance of this motto-esque phrase “drink, dance and don,t worry”.



Drawing inspiration from this sign seen at Costa Coffee in Victoria Station, SMILE! has been digitally manipulated using Microsoft Word. I distorted any sense of place with the disjointed surroundings and allowed words to become visible over one another. Cropping and adjusting transparency has allowed for an interesting piece where sections of the word “SMILE” are broken up and hidden behind the word “CCTV” in the very centre of the text.

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